Revealed vaccine inequity by UN subregion

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Share in primary COVID-19 doses and boosters administered globally over share in global population


This chart shows the revealed vaccine inequity (RVI) ratio by UN subregion. 

The RVI ratio is defined as the global vaccine share over the global population share. If a region achieves an RVI > 1 (or < 1), then we note that the region has been able to administer an “excess” (“shortage”) of vaccines relative to its population size and relative to the counterfactual of an equal global distribution. In this specific context where we compare vaccine distribution with the distribution of need as measured by the total population, vaccine inequity is revealed to the extent that the indicator shows deviations from 1. Note that the RVI concept is loosely inspired by the Revealed Comparative Advantage concept in international trade.

The vaccine share refers to the share in total vaccinations globally. Total vaccinations are defined as adjusted primary doses + boosters. Primary doses pertain to the initial vaccination cycle and are adjusted to take into account the diversity of vaccine protocols. Primary doses of 1- and 3-dose vaccines are adjusted into 2-dose equivalents, which amounts to multiplying them by 2 and 2/3, respectively, before adding them up. This method, further detailed in this postmakes sure that we make correct comparisons across countries and country groups in the doses space.